Hello Bouncers,
We hope everything is going fine on your end and that your game is ready for summer season!
The past 4 weeks have been extremely busy for us and we’d like to give you a small peek into what happened 😊
Product Developement:
Let’s start with the most important of course, the Bounce tube. Everyone is very eager to understand where we stand and that is fully normal.
Since the last update, we have shipped back most of the molds and have started doing some injection testing in our factory in France.
You’re probably wondering why only part of the molds and not all of them, that’s because we’re still busy doing some last tweaks on the joint of the pump in order to get the best durability and user experience. These last modifications will be done in the next coming days and the last molds will then be shipped back to France. This means that we’ll then FINALLY start the full production as of mid-July and start first shipments end of July.
Moreover, here are a couple of pictures and videos from our last visit at the factory. You can also see some of our molds that are put on the injection machine. Some of our molds weigh as much as 500kg which is truly impressive.

Viva Tech:
Between the 14th & 17th of June, we were present at Vivatech in the context of the Global Sports Week. We’ve met some very interesting people over there and of course, you guys, it’s always a pleasure to see each other in real life. It’s also very exciting for us to be able to show you a product that works and put it in your hands (and get some nice feedback on top of that 😍).
Here is a picture of Antoine & I (Greg) at our booth during the tradeshow:
And here is a picture of Greg with one of our backers with the tube in his hands:

We're very much looking forward to send you these tubes and truly appreciate your encouragements. We know you've been waiting for a long time and are eager to get your tube(s), we also understand your frustration at times but please hang in there as we're nearly there. For us, this is the last sprint and we're giving everything we have in the tank to deliver you the best product.
Looking forward to sending you the next update!
Max, Antoine & Greg
📢 Call to Action if you haven’t filled in your address yet:
As you’ve understood it, in a few weeks from now, we’ll start shipping the first tubes. We want to make sure that we have your right shipping address. There are still a couple of you who have not provided it yet so please do so that we can ship the tube to you. If you have a doubt about your address or if you changed where you live, please send us a mail to: hello@bouncesports.co
📢 Call to Action if you have pre-ordered your tube with an Apple ID account:
If you have pre-ordered your tube using an AppleID, chances are very high that you never received any of the surveys to give your shipping address. That is because Kickstarter encrypts those and there is unfortunately no way for us to reach out to you. So if you read this and feel concerned, please reach out to us so that we can get those info and update your email address: hello@bouncesports.co