Hello Bouncers,
We hope you had a great summer time. Here in Belgium, it’s back to grey skies and rain after a very sunny and warm summer 🔅
Everyone is back to work and we’re now 95% done when it comes to the crystallization of the different pieces of the tube. We had to do some small modifications on the part that allows the cover to close as it was not rigid enough, it is now fixed and working like a charm.
One of the last parts that needs to be developed in parallel of the molds creation is the “click click” piece that will let you know once the tube is at the right pressure. We have now found the right manufacturer (in Belgium 🇧🇪) that will be able to create it (it’s a complex part as it is extremely thin). Development will start now and will take around 8 weeks to complete.
Here is a picture of one of our latest prototypes (not in the right color (it's 3D printed) & the closing section will not have these two small bars coming out in the final version). As you can see, we’re nearly there and are now performing the last tests to make sure everything is perfect. The first pre-series will be received by end of year and we can’t wait to show them to you!

We have also started sending out the survey via Pledgebox so please check your mails and potentially your spams to fill-in your delivery address. We have also added the possibility to buy an eco-grip for your tennis or padel racket. These are really great and are of course sustainable! We’re personally using them for more than a year now and we can see a real difference, the grip is much better and lasts much much longer.
For our French backers 🇫🇷, we’ll be at Roland Garros on the 8th of October for an international inter-university competition, we’d be more than happy to meet you there!
On another topic that is close to our heart, we’re working hand in hand with the Belgian tennis federation to make tennis and padel more sustainable. We’re currently building a model that will have as goal to collect and recycle +90% of all the balls (there are +3 million balls being used every year in Belgium). More to come on this soon!
And to finish off, we’d like to thank you again for your support and patience. We know you’d like to get your tube as soon as possible and we want that too. I can guarantee you that we’re doing everything in our power to deliver the tube the soonest possible but it cannot come at the price of quality, it’s too important. We hope you understand.
Also, don’t hesitate to ask us questions, we are always happy to talk to you! 😉
Greg, Max & Antoine