Bounce Tube - September 2023 Update

Bounce Tube - September 2023 Update

Hello everyone,

We hope you had a good tennis and padel season and hopefully it will not end 😉

On our side, summer time has not been a synonym of holidays as we’ve been working full steam on the tube and we keep on making some very good progress.

We’ve done a first production a couple of weeks ago and as you can imagine, since it’s a first production of an innovative product, we’ve observed a couple of issues mainly linked to the pump gasket. There are also some other slight improvements that we want to perform. For example, the button on the cover is not always perfectly clipped at assembly time.

We’re therefore going to work on these issues before doing a new production in order to not send any faulty tubes anymore. We’re already busy solving those together with the engineers and the factory.

We plan on redoing some new tests beginning of October with all the modifications done. If these tests are conclusive, we’ll be able to send a new batch of tubes (tennis and padel). We’ll then be doing much larger productions as soon as everything is stabilized. As you can imagine, this step is critical in order to ensure that we build qualitative products.

Here is a small video of how the tube should work once it’s in your hands. As you can see, it’s pretty simple to get to the click-click sound when there are tennis or padel balls inside the tube (around 5 pumping strokes).

Needless to say that it’s a hell of a roller coaster but we’ll be so happy once you’ll all get your so well deserved tubes in your hands. We can tell you that the tube is worth the wait 😊

Thanks again for your support messages even though the waiting time is long.

Greg, Antoine & Maxime

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